2009年4月24日 星期五

Moriwaki present Moto2 project at Motegi

The new Moriwaki MD600 bike was presented to media gathered at the Polini Grand Prix of Japan on Friday, with the Japanese firm announcing plans to participate in the forthcoming Moto2 class, which is set to replace the current 250cc category.

新的Moriwaki MD600 賽車週五在日本站發表給媒體,日本車廠也宣告這輛車將參加之後的 Moto2 等級,而Moto2將會取代目前的 250 C.C 等級。

The 600cc 4-stroke bike was presented as a third evolution of the prototype machine developed by Moriwaki Racing and built by Moriwaki Engineering, with a view to involvement in Moto2, initially as chassis suppliers and later as competitors.

這輛 600 C.C賽車是自原型車後 Moriwak 賽車部門研發的第三版本,並且由Moriwak 工程部門製造,以參加Moto 2賽事,初期將為車架製造者,之後會加入競賽。

The press conference was attended by Moriwaki Engineering’s President and Team Owner Mamoru Moriwaki, in addition to Mamoru Moriwaki (Director and Team Manager), Akira Kato (Large Project Leader), Koji Takahashi (R&D Manager), Satoru Takafuchi (Production Manager) and Shogo Moriwaki (Test Rider).

發表會上有 Moriwaki 工程總監和車隊所有者 Mamoru Moriwaki 出席,之外還有Mamoru Moriwaki(車隊領導)、 Akira Kato (專案領導人)、Koji Takahashi (設計主管)、Satoru Takafuchi (設計主管) 和 Shogo Moriwak (測試車手)。

The Japanese factory have experience of racing in MotoGP, having participated in the premier class from 2003 to 2005 with wild card appearances made by Olivier Jacque and Andrew Pitt - in addition to Japanese riders - on the MD211VF. The firm also have significant experience in the Japanese national championship and in various Asian racing series.

這家日本車隊有在GP等級參賽的經驗,2003到2005年有以外卡資格參加初級的比賽,車手是 Oliver acque 和 Andrew Pitt 還有其他日本車手,車子是MD211VF。他們在日本的國際系列賽和幾個亞洲系列賽事都有豐富的經驗。
